Your bequest will help to ensure the legacy of Historic New Italy continues for generations to come.

Your descendants, the community, and the many visitors to New Italy will benefit from your act of generosity. These funds will assist the development of the site, museum displays and their ongoing maintenance.

Whether large or small, your bequest is very much appreciated.

How to make a bequest

Bequests are usually expressed in your will. After providing for family and friends, you may bequest an asset, or a monetary value expressed as a percentage of your estate, or as a fixed amount.

We appreciate that your will is deeply personal and private, so if you would like advice on how to proceed, please contact us for a confidential discussion.

We have also prepared a fact sheet to assist you in preparing the details of your bequest.

Recognition of Benefactors

Some of our benefactors wish to remain anonymous and their wishes will be respected.

We honour and recognise those who have made significant contributions to the development and preservation of the Historic New Italy Site.


Leaving a bequest to the New Italy Museum Inc. (NIMI) will provide a lasting contribution to the important work of promoting and preserving our museum site.

There are many ways you can make a bequest to NIMI. For example, you may like to:

• Give a specific sum of money

• Give a particular asset

• Give a percentage of your estate, (see 1) or

• Give the residue of your estate once family members and friends have been provided for (that is, the remainder of your estate when all other gifts have been distributed). (see 2)


Suggested wording

(1). To leave NIMI a specific sum of money, an asset or a percentage of your estate for its general purposes please include the following paragraphs in your will:

I give the sum of $X OR [a specific asset] OR X% of my estate to the New Italy Museum Inc. ABN 8474 915 7981 of 8275 Pacific Highway, New Italy, New South Wales 2472 (NIMI) for its general purposes.

I declare that the receipt of the Museum President or his/her delegate at the time shall constitute a sufficient discharge to my executors in respect of the gift to NIMI.

(2). To leave NIMI the residue of your estate for general purposes please include the following paragraphs in your will:

I give the residue of my estate to the New Italy Museum Inc. ABN 8474 915 7981 of 8275 Pacific Highway, New Italy, New South Wales 2472 (NIMI) for its general purposes.

I declare that the receipt of the Museum President or his/her delegate at the time shall constitute a sufficient discharge to my executors in respect of the gift to the Foundation.

Should you wish to direct your bequest to specific areas of the museum please contact us to ensure that your wishes are understood and achievable.

We also recommend that you discuss any changes or additions to your will with your solicitor. Errors in drafting may cause your valuable gift to fail or for us not to be able to appropriately deal with your gift to make it effective.


Gail Williams (NIMI President) is available to provide further information or advice and can be contacted on:

Phone: 0414 348 566‬ ‬‬‬


Address:  8275 Pacific Highway, New Italy, New South Wales 2472


Download as PDF file – Bequests

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